- How to change icon picture of an application how to#
- How to change icon picture of an application download#
If you have a photo you really like that’s simple, bold, and represents your brand, create a vector image version of it. This applies even if you think the photo includes a bold, unique shape. That way, people can quickly understand the value of your app just by looking at the icon. So, while your app icon design doesn’t literally have to represent what your app does, it should represent some aspect of the overall functionality if possible. And because the smaller version is the one people are going to see on their mobile device, that’s a major problem. I mean, you can kind of tell what’s going on in the larger version, but it’s super difficult to understand all of the elements and what they mean in the smaller version. Here’s an example of an app icon that isn’t so great: That’s because Spotify is a music app, so it immediately illustrates the app’s purpose. On top of that, the black lines inside the green circle represent increasing speaker volume. You can see that they’ve chosen two colors and a simple shape, which makes the icon easy to recognize.
The Spotify app icon is a great example of a bold, unique shape that incorporates the app’s purpose into the design. It’s also important to note that you should try to incorporate what your app does into the design of the app icon somehow.
How to change icon picture of an application download#
If you don’t pick a shape that’s unique and bold, your app will end up blending in to the rest, meaning that fewer people will be enticed to download it. Simplicity is key to creating an app icon that’s memorable and recognizable. App Icon Creation Best Practices Pick a bold, unique shape.
How to change icon picture of an application how to#
Want to learn how to make an app icon? Keep the following best practices in mind while designing your icon, and your app will be much more likely to attract your target audience. In fact, research shows that 92.6 percent of people put the most importance on visual factors when making a purchasing decision. Make a bad first impression, and it’s likely that your potential customers will skip right over your app and opt for one of your competitors. With app store discovery accounting for about 70% of app downloads, your icon serves as a graphical representation of your app as a whole, so it really defines your brand and the first impression your app makes on potential buyers. You can use your icon to promote your app. Īnd – make no mistake – good app icon design is critical to your app’s success. In the past, app icons were designed purely with functionality and ease of access in mind, but today we know that a good app icon choice is based almost entirely on aesthetics. Otherwise, you’ll have a tough time enticing people to download your app in the first place, much less actually use it.
And if you want your app to be one of those essential apps, you need an icon that makes your app look irresistible. The average smartphone has 41 apps that the owner uses regularly. You’ve also got to write a good app description, name your app appropriately, and – you guessed it – create an amazing app icon that makes them want to click. Developing a mobile app that people can’t resist downloading isn’t as simple as merely giving them something useful.